Our training courses
Cornerstone is a collaborative space for learning and growth offering full-spectrum, intersectional birthworker (doula) trainings rooted in harm reduction, inclusivity, and reproductive justice. We equip birthworkers and careworkers with the tools to serve their communities with dignity, care, and respect through all of life’s transitions.
Join the movement.
Labor and Birth Birthworker (Doula) Training
This foundational course covers supporting folks through the prenatal period and the labor & birth process. Our labor and birth birthworker training will provide you with a trauma informed, patient rights based framework for your practice, a deepened understanding of the intersectional aspects of birthwork, and practical hands-on skill to support all clients throughout their pregnancies and births. This course is closed captioned.
Postpartum Birthworker (Doula) Training
This foundational course covers supporting folks through the fourth trimester (the first year postpartum). Our postpartum birthworker training will prepare you with a trauma informed, patient rights based framework to build your practice upon. You will leave this course with a deeper understanding of the intersections of emotional, psychological, and physical health in the postpartum period, and practical hands-on skills to support all clients throughout their postpartum experience. This course is closed captioned.
Advanced Full Spectrum Birthworker (Doula) Training
This course is available three times per year. Click learn more for the next available course dates.
Live zoom meetings Sundays from 12 - 2:30pm PST. Replays available.
Our Advanced Full Spectrum Birthworker (Doula) Training will help deepen your practice to become expansive, radical, revolutionary, and transformative. This one of a kind live virtual training brings birthworkers together from all over the world to connect, skill share, and co-create a birthwork movement for collective liberation. This course is closed captioned. *This is an advanced course that does not cover the basics of birthwork.
Show up, rise up, level up.
Become a Cornerstone birthworker.
Childbirth Educator Training
This course is available three times per year. Click learn more for the next available course dates.
Live Zoom meetings Saturdays from 10am - 12pm PST. (Replays available.)
Learn the art and skill of trauma informed collaborative facilitation in this radical reimagining of childbirth education training. This Childbirth Educator training will provide you with the knowledge and tools to craft a curriculum that meets the needs of YOUR community. Built upon a framework of birth justice and human rights, Cornerstone childbirth education is rooted in interconnectedness, resiliency, joy and mutual aid. This course is closed captioned and recorded.
Full Spectrum Birthworker Course Bundle Package
20% off total tuition
All three foundational courses, one accessible package.
Labor & Birth Birthworker (Doula) Training
Postpartum Birthworker (Doula) Training
Full Spectrum Reproductive Carework Training (December, 2023 cohort). All courses are closed captioned.
Purchase all three together with a total of 20% off total tuition.
Full Spectrum Birthworker Training + Skill building workshops Bundle
20% off total tuition
Commit fully to becoming a holistic, full circle/full spectrum birthworker that serves all people with these seven vital courses - all in one accessible package with 20% off total tuition.
Labor & Birth Birthworker (Doula) Training
Postpartum Birthworker (Doula) Training
Full Spectrum Reproductive Carework Training
Fetal Positioning skillbuilding workshop
Testing and Procedures skillbuilding workshop
Labor Induction skillbuilding workshop
Eliminating Stigma Harm Reduction storytelling workshop
Purchase all seven courses with 20% off total tuition ($465.40 in savings.)

Cornerstone x Pocket Doula
THE SHORT STORY in Anna’s words:
So, you're looking for the origin story of Cornerstone Birthwork x Pocket Doula? You've come to the right place! The short story is, In 2019 I took my very first doula training with DONA (hated it).
In 2020, I took my second doula training with Cornerstone Birthwork, based in the US, to unlearn what I had been taught in my first training (loved it). I asked Nickie, the co-founder of Cornerstone, if I could take the foundation of Cornerstone Birthwork and build it in Canada.
In 2021, I started a chapter of Cornerstone Birthwork in Canada and became Director of Cornerstone Birthwork Canada.
Currently, Cornerstone Birthwork Canada offers Capstone Canada, a full spectrum birthwork training rooted in radical reproductive justice. In the near future, Cornerstone Birthwork Canada will be offering many more workshops and trainings centered around reproductive justice and health equity in Canada and all of its provinces and territories!