Cornerstone Statement on Certification:
All Birthworkers should know that at this time, it is not legally required to be certified to practice Birthwork in the US.

Cornerstone recognizes that certification is not for everyone and can, in fact, create barriers to practice. Further, Cornerstone also recognizes the historical context of settler colonialism and white supremacy in certification, licensure, the construct of professionalism and state sanctioned legitimization of Birthworkers - including Midwives, Doulas and Birthkeepers. We do not require our Birthworkers to certify, but do offer certification for those who desire or need it. By reframing the conversation around certification, Cornerstone encourages critical reflection on how certification intersects with issues of privilege, access, and equity in the birthwork community. Ultimately, Cornerstone's approach prioritizes inclusivity, self-determination, and cultural humility in supporting birthworkers on their unique paths towards practice.
Because there is no accreditation for doula training in the US, all certifying bodies carry the same merit. If you do choose to be certified, we recommend asking yourself a few questions.
Do I need certification?
Do you plan to be employed by an institution such as a hospital, clinic or jail? Find out if they require certification - most do. Are hospitals requiring certification for entrance due to Covid? Many are. Do you work in a state that requires certification for Medi-caid reimbursement?
Is certification important to me professionally?
This is a question that only you can answer. We believe that in order to be an excellent and impactful Birthworker, you don't need to be certified. We support your decision to certify and not to certify. You can also complete all required steps for certification with us and choose not to have a certificate at the end of your journey. You are autonomous, and we support you in building out your practice however you desire.
What benefit will I gain from certification?
Not all Birthwork certifications are alike. Ask yourself if the certification is developed for your benefit or for the certifying organization's benefit. Are there hidden fees? Major hoops to jump through? Are there barriers to certification that you feel are unfair or biased? Will you receive post-certification support from the organization? What business tools will you gain from becoming certified? What community support does your certifying organization offer?
Cornerstone has no hidden fees or hoops to jump through, and you have direct access to your trainers for post-training support. We also engage in continuous community building post-training. You will become a part of a huge network of Birthworkers and community members through Cornerstone. We are here for you.
Certification Requirements:
Certified Labor & Birth Doula:
Download certification packet below.
Complete Labor & Birth Birthworker Training
Signed code of conduct and grievance and incidence procedure form
L&D unit hospital tour
Resource List
Audit CBE course of your choice (can be an online childbirth education class.)
Attend three births and have evaluation form completed by clients and emailed to juli@cornerstonedoulatrainings.com
Fill out and attach all requirements on the certification packet, then submit completed packet via email to juli@cornerstonedoulatrainings.com
Certified Postpartum Doula:
Complete Postpartum Birthworker Training
Infant CPR and First Aid certification
Signed code of conduct and grievance and incidence procedure form
Resource list
Six hours postpartum support and have evaluation form completed by clients for submission.
Certified Full Spectrum Doula:
Complete Advanced Full Spectrum Birthworker Training
Complete a Labor & Birth Doula Training and Postpartum Doula Training (our trainings are recommended, as the courses compliment each other, but we do accept proof of training from other organizations, as well. Our list of recommended orgs to complete Labor & Birth and Postpartum Doula training with are: Ancient Song, Birthing Advocacy, Roots of Labor Birth Collective, Sumi’s Touch, and Mama Glow.
Signed code of conduct and grievance and incidence procedure form
Completed Cornerstone Labor, Birth, and Postpaartum Certification Packet
Certified Childbirth Educator:
Complete Childbirth Educator Training
Submit your completed course curriculum for review.
Signed code of conduct and grievance and incidence procedure form